My holiday blinkie from Joelle

Joelle's blinkies are forever. My store however, contrary to what it says at the bottom of Joelle's blinkie, is now at Oscraps. (I didn't want to change anything cus it would sort of be like fidgeting with a Vermeer.)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Let Go Annie!

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!   Stop it you are destroying my volley ball!!!
Annie is a flying monster when she wants a toy like my deflated volley ball. She's worse with cows. She's a brown ankle-nibbling rocket when range cows break into our yard.  They try to kick her but she's so short their hooves go flying two feet over her head. She's the best cow dog ever. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Yikes I love these.....

Here's some more of my favorite Where To Now Dreamer? artworks from all over.  Thank you soooo much!

Olga Unger



Ellen Krouse - Journal

Irene Reents

Ilonka's ScrapbookArt