In Through the Snow We Go you will meet Heidy Lowenbridge and her friend Tamin Marshbark, and her reindeer Swift, and her kittens, and, of course, the birds. Heidy, by the way, is off to deliver Christmas letters to Grandma Minerva’s country estate where the post office is. (You won’t meet Grandma Minerva here but you can see her house from a distance.) There’s also cool frames for warm cozy winter pictures and a Christmas tree big enough to hold bunches of ornaments but small enough to squish into Swift’s mail pouch.
This is a wintry kit that I tried to give an old-fashioned feel to because, for some reason, winter and old-fashioned sort of go together. If you think so too and aren’t afraid of the cold take a peek into all you’ll find in Through the Snow We Go:
10 snow scene papers
6 background papers
1 tag
1 birdhouse
1 bluejay
1 deer ornament
1 Heidy Lowanbridge
2 kittens
1 label
5 red orioles
1 sleigh
1 Swift Reindeer (3 variations)
1 Tamin Marshbark
1 snow tree doodle
1 wood label
9 word art
3 frames
1 hanging globe
1 grandma's house interior
1 grandfather clock
1 gate
1 couch
2 teddy bears
3 blank letters
1 flying letters
1 sleigh mail bag
1 memory box
1 table
1 trunk
1 tree (3 variations)
1 background overlay
2 frosted branches
1 flurry overlay
6 frozen Chinese aspen branches
3 frozen choke cherry branches
1 snow skiff (couple variations)
1 tree by the fence
1 wind whirls wisp
3 winter dried flowers
Painted with a very cold brush and packed into a reindeer’s mail pouch for your artistic pleasure.
Here's some of the wintery layouts from my creative team.


and some more: