My holiday blinkie from Joelle

Joelle's blinkies are forever. My store however, contrary to what it says at the bottom of Joelle's blinkie, is now at Oscraps. (I didn't want to change anything cus it would sort of be like fidgeting with a Vermeer.)

Monday, March 22, 2021

Yep, this is a wonderful week

First, Oscraps is having our 15th Anniversary Birthday celebration/extravaganza where you can play fun games and everything you need for your art masterpieces is on sale 40% off – through Friday the 26th.  Hooohoooo!   And, I can see dirt in my yard. The snow is receding like a really slow tide going out and the crocuses are popping up right behind it. It smells like dirt!!!!

Aren't they adorable????