Joelle's blinkies are forever. My store however, contrary to what it says at the bottom of Joelle's blinkie, is now at Oscraps. (I didn't want to change anything cus it would sort of be like fidgeting with a Vermeer.)
Almost done. This is Colin and Heather Heathflowers relaxing on a lazy November afternoon in their tea room, sipping Heather's special blend and preparing to speak boldly about what a sweet day it has been.
Autumn is my deep passion. If I were to let myself float on the air of an Autumn day like today I would never return. These twigs, rose hips, elderberries and seeds are some of the little ripening, season-changing, natural things I saw today in the Fall light.
Rianne Pieterse's 16th birthday was yesterday so I made her into a vampire girl for her birthday album. Twilight producers take note: Rianne would be perfect for your next movie.
Now here is scary. This is my sister Rebecca getting ready to go to work as a fire fighting, bobble-head, kayaker vampire.