My holiday blinkie from Joelle

Joelle's blinkies are forever. My store however, contrary to what it says at the bottom of Joelle's blinkie, is now at Oscraps. (I didn't want to change anything cus it would sort of be like fidgeting with a Vermeer.)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Tender Wings & Paisley Things is in my store

Paisley's kit was a lot of fun to make since many of the images were cut out from paper. (That made for good shadows too.)  It feels good working directly with paper sometimes. Not that I don't love my Wacom.
Maya has a Periscope session showing how she used Tender Wings to make very radical planner pages. If you do planners you should check it out.

Here are artworks from my fabulously wonderful happily ingenious creative team.








Scrappie Irene





Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Serious dreamers plan...

This is our brains in planning mode. (Twinsmomflor inspired me to do this one.)

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Tender Wings and Paisley Things

Hey everybody, I am happy as can be introducing you to Paisley, the fairy who I named my new kit after. As you may know when North American quilt makers originally came upon the paisley design they called it Persian Pickle. I tried this name on this fairy and she sulked for weeks, so forget I mentioned it.
My illustrious and ingenious creative team has Paisley's kit as I write this. And you should be able to get it from my store sometime after Tuesday night.  Just wanting to keep you updated as I've been out of the loop a little lately - but glad to be back.