My holiday blinkie from Joelle

Joelle's blinkies are forever. My store however, contrary to what it says at the bottom of Joelle's blinkie, is now at Oscraps. (I didn't want to change anything cus it would sort of be like fidgeting with a Vermeer.)

Friday, June 4, 2021

My new mini-kit: Dotti Pops and Moptops

 Yep, here's a tiny little Springtime kit featuring Dottie May Pops and her favorite May blossoms and a bunch of Springy-flavored backgrounds that go with her colors.  It's in my store right now for $6 or you  can get it free by enrolling in Vicky's 52 Inspirations bargain-palooza deal. 

Here's two images created by Anja Bos using Dotti

And another from Melscraps

And this from ScrappieIrene

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